Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Boat Projects in La Paz

Dec. 13, Sergio is a well known stainless guy here in La Paz. He actually worked in Alameda for a few years and had a great reputation. We bought stainless in San Deigo from Garhauer and brought it down with us to have Sergio do the work. He wielded new rails along the sides of the cockpit up to the gates. They look perfect!
LifeLines before Stainless

Sergio working on the Stainless


Completed Rails

Completed Rails at Gate
The next project was to have the table refinished. It had been beaten by the sun shining through the hatches and rotted the varnish. We hired a local guy at the marina to take the table out, sand it down and apply 8 coats of varnish. It took a week and a half of living without the table, but it looks very nice.

The Table Being Worked on a Few Docks Over

Finished Solan Table

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