Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Final Race Day - March 12, 2011

Saturday, we went out racing on Full Shell again. Kellie came with us this time. What an exciting race! We were so close to 3 other boats for the start if looked like we could touch them. This race was longer and faster. Us girls were ‘rail meat’ or the term we like better, ‘deck candy’. And we didn’t spill our alcohol!

Rick, ready to race


This time, the boats were close!

Deck Candy

Racer Kellie

Marilyn while we were heeled

Dena serving snacks

Captain Eric

Skipper Dale

This is Racing - Pam
As we were entering the harbor, we saw ‘Exuma’ leaving. What a gorgeous boat.
Marilyn with 'Exuma' Leaving
Sunday was a sad day, the kids were leaving. It was such a short visit, but I’m glad I got to see them. We went to breakfast near the beach and they left for the airport at noon. We’ll stay here a few more days, then head back to La Cruz to get a new stack pack put on the boat before we head north into the Sea of Cortez.

Jennie and Kevin on the last morning

Kodi, ready to leave

Tsunami at Paradise Village- March 11, 2011

Since we had moved to the slip in front of the harbor entrance, we had a front row spot to watch for the tsunami. We thought about taking the boat out into the bay, just in case there was a big wave or surge. The Harbor Master and Tom on ‘Dragons Toy’ told Rick to stay in the marina and add extra lines and fenders. About 1:00pm the water started to surge in and out. Around 3:00 it got pretty strong. The yacht in front of us, ‘Exuma’ took the surge on it’s side, so they put a lot of huge fenders out. A few of them lost air or popped. It did take out a few boards on that side of the dock, but no major damage. The ports were closed, so any of the boats that went out had to stay out over night. Quite a few of the racing boats left without their anchors (this is to make the boat lighter for the race). I felt bad for them, they had to sail or drive around all night. The marina still had surge coming in and out the next day.

Kodi on the Bow

Exuma with all the fenders

Pam and Kellie during the Tsunami

Dinghy Ride

Kevin and Maddi in the Dinghy
Friday morning, the 2nd day of racing was cancelled because of the earthquake and tsunami in Japan. The entire west coast was put on alert.  We took the dinghy out to show the kids the dolphins and the homes around the marina. At first, Maddi was afraid to ride in the dinghy, but she slowly crawled out from under the seat and ended up enjoying the ride. Jennie had a hard time getting into the dinghy, she ended up falling in.

Jennie falling into the Dinghy

The Dolphins

Race Day on Full Shell - March 10, 2011

Racing on 'Full Shell'
Rick and I went out racing on Full Shell for the first day of the Banderas Bay Regatta. This was my first race. I was surprised how calm it was, I guess I expected the boats to be closer together. It was a great day of sailing.
Ready to Zip Line
The kids went on a zip line ride while we were gone. Kellie and Maddi bailed out, so they just watched. That night we took a bus down the road to Fajita Republic for dinner and walked back.

Pam, Kodi and Maddi

Rick, Jennie, Kevin and Kellie

Old town - Puerto Vallarta

A Bus ride into town
We rode the bus into Old Town Puerto Vallarta. After a stroll down the Malicon to see the statues, we had lunch and cocktails at The Cheeky Monkey.

Kodi and Maddi

From the Cheeky Monkey

 Further south we watched the sunset from the beach at a seaside restaurant. We even saw the green flash. Next we headed into town for tacos at a sidewalk café. Then the long bus ride home.

The Gang watching the sunset

Jennie and Kevin

Tacos on the street

Kids Arrive - March 7, 2011

Jennie and Kevin at the Yacht Club
Kevin, Jennie, Kodi, Madddi and Kellie arrived at the airport at 4:00. We went there on the bus to meet them, but they left with the timeshare people, so we missed them. We met up at the hotel, found their room and were off to the Yacht Club for dinner.



Beach day
The first day here, Jennie, Kevin and Kellie went to their timeshare meeting, so the girls and I went to the beach and pool. It took Maddi a while to get used to the ocean, but they both love the pool. We watched the bird show and Kodi held one of the parrots. When Jen, Kevin and Kellie got back they headed for the pool. Kevin got in a game of tequila vollyball.
At the Beach

Kodi in the Pool

Maddi with Grandma

Getting used to the water

Maddi building a sand castle
Kodi with a Parrot

Kevin playing Tequlia Vollyball

Jennie and Maddi

Playing in the sand

Maddi at the Beach

Paradise Village – Mar. 1 – 15, 2011

We arrived at Paradise Village Marina on March 1. The kids and Kellie were flying in on March 7 and the Banderas Bay Regatta was taking place March 8 – 12th. We were assigned to a slip at the far end of the marina, almost to the bridge. It was about a mile walk up to the main part of the hotel. We bribed the harbor master into moving us to a closer slip because we had family that would be staying there. It worked! We were moved to an excellent slip right at the front of the entrance to the harbor. On the dock in front of our boat is a new mega yacht named ‘Exuma’. It is 180’ long and is goldish silver. Very striking.  

Rick and a friend

Parrots at Paradise Village

The resort is beautiful. I’m sure the kids will love the pools. Tuesday night, we went to the opening ceremony for the regatta. They had Mexican Flamingo dancers with their colorful costumes and large hats. Then they brought people from the audience up on stage to dance with them. It was an impressive show.