When I got back to La Paz, I brought a sore throat and ear infection with me. I went to a great doctor who prescribed some medicine. I was better in a week and the visit only cost $40. Now we were ready to go to Mazatlan, but a strong northerner blew in and lasted another week. The strongest one La Paz has had this year! The wind finally stopped blowing on Saturday, Feb. 5. Sunday morning we left in the dark at 5:50am to head for Muertos to meet up with Bruce and Judy of ‘Juce’.
Leaving La Paz |
Rick Bruce and Judy watching the game |
This was Superbowl Sunday and we wanted to watch the game at the 1535 Restaurant on the beach. This was also election day in Baja Sur. No alcohol is sold or served on election days! The restaurant told us Casa Suenos was having a superbowl party and since it was a private resort, they would be serving alcohol. Guess where we went? I love that resort.
Our boat in the anchorage |
1535 Restaurant |
We spent Monday at the 1535 Restaurant having lunch and playing dominos. Then it was time to say good-bye to Bruce and Judy, we would leave the next morning for Mazatlan and they would head back to La Paz. I’m sure we will meet up again. That is the thing about cruising, you meet great friends, say good bye and then meet again in another place.
Sunrise leaving Muertos |
Tuesday, Feb. 8 we sent off on the long trip across the sea, 189 miles and 31 hours. The weather was great, flat seas and just a little wind. There were two boats ahead of us on the crossing, so we weren’t alone. About 2 in the morning we hit the fog bank and couldn’t see anything. Good thing we have radar and the trip on the chartplotter. The fog cleared about 8am. The sun came out, dolphins swam with us for about 20 minutes and we saw 4 whales. What a good trip. When we arrived in Mazatlan, the harbor was closed for dredging. Since we were low on fuel, we had to shut off the engine and float around for 2 hours waiting to enter. We plan to go in to get fuel, find our slip at Marina El Cid, clean up and explore some of Mazatlan. We should be here about a week.
Sunset in the Sea |
Coming out of the fog |
Dolphins at the bow |
Lots of Dolphins |